Website Services

Now that you have a brand, you need a website ASAP!

At Cmunity Studios, we specialize in transforming your online presence to align with your unique vision and goals. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to breathe new life into an existing site, our expert team is here to elevate your digital footprint with our comprehensive website development services.

1. Custom Website Design

Starting fresh? We'll build your site from scratch, ensuring it reflects your brand, audience, and goals perfectly.

2. Website Facelift

Have an outdated website? Our refresh service will bring new energy and functionality to your site.

Starter Website Package

Perfect for showcasing your work and building your online presence.

    • Custom website design and development

    • Up to 5 pages (Home, About, Services, Blog, Gallery, Menu...)

    • Mobile-responsive design

    • Basic SEO optimization

    • Integration with social media platforms

    • Contact form setup

    • One round of revisions

  • E-commerce

    • Integration of e-commerce functionality into the website: $100 (includes 10 products only)

    • Additional Products: $20 per product beyond the initial 10.

    Accept Online Payments

    • Various payment methods supported; additional fees apply for alternative cashout methods or transactions via our online banking details.

    Advanced SEO Services

    • Comprehensive SEO package: $500

    Additional Custom Pages

    • Design and development: $200 per page

    Ongoing Maintenance and Support

    • Monthly maintenance: $110 per month

    Custom Functionality

    • Development of unique features: Custom pricing

    Content Creation Services

    • Professional copywriting: $200 per page

    • Custom photography or videography: Custom pricing

E-Commerce Business Package

Perfect for small to medium businesses.

    • Custom e-commerce website design and development

    • Up to 5 pages (Home, About, Services, FAQs, Collections, Shipping, Contact ...)

    • Up to 10 product listings included. (additional fees apply beyond 10)

    • Mobile-responsive design

    • Basic SEO optimization

    • Integration with social media platforms

    • Payment gateway integration

    • One round of revisions.

  • E-commerce

    • Additional Products: $20 per product beyond the initial 10.

    Accept Online Payments

    • Various payment methods supported; additional fees apply for alternative cashout methods or transactions via our online banking details.

    Advanced SEO Services

    • Comprehensive SEO package: $500

    Additional Custom Pages

    • Design and development: $200 per page

    Ongoing Maintenance and Support

    • Monthly maintenance: $150 per month

    Custom Functionality

    • Development of unique features: Custom pricing

    Content Creation Services

    • Professional copywriting: $200 per page

    • Custom photography or videography: Custom pricing

Website Facelift Package

Perfect for elevating your existing online presence.

    • Redesign and update of the existing website

    • Modernization of the website’s look and feel

    • Up to 6 pages (Home, About, Services, Portfolio, Contact...)

    • Mobile-responsive adjustments

    • Basic SEO optimization

    • Integration with social media platforms

    • One round of revisions

    • 2 weeks of free maintenance

  • E-commerce

    • Integration of e-commerce functionality into the website: $100 (includes 10 products only)

    • Additional Products: $20 per product beyond the initial 10.

    Accept Online Payments

    • Various payment methods supported; additional fees apply for alternative cashout methods or transactions via our online banking details.

    Advanced SEO Services

    • Comprehensive SEO package: $500

    Additional Custom Pages

    • Design and development: $200 per page

    Ongoing Maintenance and Support

    • Monthly maintenance: $110 per month

    Custom Functionality

    • Development of unique features: Custom pricing

    Content Creation Services

    • Professional copywriting: $200 per page

    • Custom photography or videography: Custom pricing






Websites that feel just like you





Connecting your story to your audience





Turning dreams into reality